Whole30…I think


Several, several years ago, I was feeling gross and out of shape.  I didn’t like who I was, felt tired all the time, and looked bad in my clothing.  I also knew I wanted to get pregnant in the nearish future and wanted to be my best self before that happened so I could have a good foundation for my new baby.

After a few looooong discussions with my dietitian (who is also my best friend), we both decided we wanted to get healthier.  We started tracking our calories on Calorie King, joined gyms, and committed.  About four months later, I had lost 30 pounds, completed most of the Couch to 5K program (I think I got to the week where it said “OK now just go out and run a 5K” before I stopped), and felt so much better about myself!


I was able to enjoy my new body for about 6 months before I got pregnant.  We all know what pregnancy means right?  Food free for all and no exercising for 9 months!!!  Yeah.  I did that.  I decided I would give myself a break from all the healthy eating and exercising because, hey, I was pregnant.  I could only keep so much stuff down (when in actuality I never threw up or got very nauseated from being pregnant) and I was tired all the time, so adding in extra exercise was just dumb.  If I could go back and talk some sense into that chick, I would!

Unfortunately, I ended up miscarrying after 10 weeks.  The problem was I kept eating whatever I wanted and not exercising so…you guessed it…I gained a lot of my weight back.  Then, in 2011, I got pregnant again, this time carrying the baby full term.  All in all, I weighed 204 when I gave birth!


I wanted to be healthy for my new baby and feel better about myself again, so I refocused and ended up losing about 60 of those pounds.  I wasn’t exactly where I needed to be at 145, but I was much closer.


Since 2011, my weight has fluctuated up and down about 20 pounds here and there.  I’m currently in a “there” stage, holding fast at 165.  I’ve started Orangetheory Fitness (LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!) so the exercise part of this journey is on lockdown.  But I need to figure out my eating.  I’ve tried lots of ways to focus on food including counting calories, weighing everything, tracking macros, etc, but so far nothing has stuck.

I know you aren’t supposed to do Whole30 to lose weight, but I need to do SOMETHING to reset my metabolism.  I also have some hormonal acne I’d like to try to remedy naturally, so it’s a multi-goal program.

I know Whole30 is only 30 days and anyone can do anything for 30 days, but I’m nervous!  I love my morning coffee, but I take it with cream and sugar.  I have a super strong sweet tooth at night and often don’t feel full until I’ve had a cookie or some ice cream.  I don’t LOVE all the fruits and vegetables, so I’m afraid I’m going to get bored.  What I DO have going for me is how much I love to cook.  I’ve heard you need to do massive amounts of food prep for Whole30 to be successful, which I’m kind of used to doing already.


Even so, I’m supposed to start Monday and I’m nowhere near ready.  I’m going to the library today to get some books about Whole30 and not starting this program until AFTER Easter.  I also plan to take before and after pictures as well as do a beginning and ending weigh in.  Wish me luck!

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I'm a food blogger who loves food and tries to live a healthy as possible, while still enjoying all kinds of food. As the mom of a very lively (but picky) little boy and the wife to an somewhat equally picky husband, it's my goal in life to serve up tasty, healthy meals on the fly.

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