Hawaiian Memories

Some of you know, but many of you don’t, that I am lucky enough to be going to Maui for a week in about a month and a half.  Jeff and I decided to get one last luxurious trip in before adding to our family.  If you know me at all you know that I am hardly containing my excitement.  I’m trying, but I’m not doing all that well.  What can I say?  🙂

Jeff and I went to Kauai for our honeymoon in October of 2007.  Kauai was nice, but it wasn’t my favorite island.  It was, though, still Hawaii and who can complain about Hawaii??  I thought I would share some of our favorite pictures and video from our honeymoon.

Hope you enjoyed my trip down memory lane!  What has been your most memorable vacation?  What destination is highest on your must see list?

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I'm a food blogger who loves food and tries to live a healthy as possible, while still enjoying all kinds of food. As the mom of a very lively (but picky) little boy and the wife to an somewhat equally picky husband, it's my goal in life to serve up tasty, healthy meals on the fly.

4 thoughts on “Hawaiian Memories”

  1. Kauai actually is my most memorable place. I lived there for 2.5 months in 2009. It was so amazing. John came to visit for the last ten days of my time there and we were able to vacation around (even though every weekend was a vacation for myself! I was there interning.) Anyway, those pictures were great cause it made me go down memory lane too!

    1. I bet Russia will be a great time though and I will be jealous to have never traveled outside the US (except for Mexico and Cancun). I LOVED San Fran with my bestie! We need to repeat that trip!

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